I also went for a 2 mile run last week. It felt good to get back out there even if it did kind of kick my butt. I ran with Ben and he runs faster than I do so I was pushing myself. Plus it was the first time in a long time that I ran a route that involved hills. It was an eye opener that's for sure! I need to get training!
I've signed up for 3 more races and I have my eye on a few others. I signed up for a Snowman Stampede 5k with the girls I ran the last half with. It'll be fun to run a shorter race! It also happens to be the race that the Running Club is doing. So I'll probably end up also running the mile with one of the little cuties and maybe the 5k with an older runner who needs a buddy. I also signed up for the Rock N Roll America half in DC with the girls in March. In June, I'll head home to MA for the Runner's World Heartbreak Half in Boston! I'm REALLY looking forward to this one! A friend from high school is going to run it with me and a coworker is also going to join me on the trip up north! We'll probably also sign up for the Ocean City Half in April. I'm looking for two shorter races to do with my sister when I'm home at Christmas and Thanksgiving. We have our eye on one for the Saturday after Thanksgiving and one called the Hangover Classic!
Have you signed up for any races lately? Which ones do you have your eye on?